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Drywood Termite Treatment

Green Tech Termite and Pest Control

Termites are a serious problem for homeowners in the Tampa Bay area. Our hot climate allows termites to be active year-round, and they can severely damage a home when they eat away at it 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Although there are a few species of termites in our area, one of the most common to infest homes is the drywood termite. Drywood termites can be particularly problematic because they infest solid, dry wood that is not already wet or damaged and because they don’t need to be in contact with the soil.

If you think there are drywood termites in your home, taking quick action will minimize the damage they will cause. Without treatment, they will continue to chew tunnels through the wood, weakening the home’s structural supports. Green-Tech Termite and Pest Control provides drywood termite control services to eliminate termite problems.

Drywood termite treatment from green-tech termite and pest control

We offer several drywood termite treatment options at Green-Tech Termite and Pest Control. We can recommend which treatment method will be most effective based on what we find during our thorough inspection of a house.

Drywood Termite Treatment by Green-Tech Termite and Pest Control - Palm Harbor FL

Fumigation treatment is a whole house treatment requiring residents to leave home for a few days. We provide clients with a prep sheet that explains everything necessary to prepare the house before the treatment. We place a tent over the entire structure and fumigate the interior. Then, we fill the house with Vikane or an equivalent gas that eliminates all drywood termites active in the home. The gas is then allowed to dissipate before the residents return.

Effective from the initial treatment date and continuing for one year after, we will protect the property from drywood termites with additional fumigation services should they be necessary. This plan does not control or protect against subterranean or Formosan termites due to the nature of the species.

We also offer a liquid treatment to eliminate drywood termites and protect against them. Effective from the date of the initial treatment and for one year after, we will treat the home using industry-standard insecticides to control and protect against drywood termites. If live termites are spotted in the house during the year following the initial treatment, we’ll re-treat it at no additional cost.

Drywood termites possess a complex vein design in each wing, usually consisting of three or four veins running parallel to the wing’s top section. Subterranean termites have one single vein that is thicker and darker in color. Both species shed their wings within minutes after landing, but that’s the only visible evidence they leave behind.

Drywood termites vs. Subterranean termites

Drywood termites possess a complex vein design in each wing, usually consisting of three or four veins running parallel to the wing’s top section. Subterranean termites have one single vein that is thicker and darker in color. Both species shed their wings within minutes after landing, but that’s the only visible evidence they leave behind.

Subterranean termites are known to build mud tubes to tunnel underground and access your home. They are vulnerable to harsh weather and predators like birds and use the tunnels for protection. On the other hand, drywood varieties are naturally more resistant to harsh weather and don’t need contact with soil to move around. They will fly into the house and drill into any wooden material.

Subterranean termites are highly selective regarding their food choice, only consuming the soft wood between the wood grain. As they eat, they often leave behind mud tubes and a uniform pattern of destruction. On the other hand, drywood termites will eat across the grain of the wood, leaving behind patterns that don’t align with the grain. Observers can identify this difference through their distinct galleries, which contain fecal pellets.

Drywood termites produce a frass made of extremely fine grains that look like a mix of salt and pepper, which they expel through the kick-out holes they create in the wood, forming small piles on the ground. Subterranean termites leave behind a non-ridged, cardboard-like excrement called carton, made of partially digested wood particles and feces.


We offer a one-year warranty with our drywood termite control services. It is a renewable warranty and includes an annual inspection. If we find signs of termites, we’ll re-treat at no additional charge.

Keep Destructive Drywood Termites Out of Tampa Bay Homes

Termites are one pest that homeowners want out of their homes. If you suspect they’ve already gotten inside, contact Green-Tech Termite and Pest Control immediately. We work with our clients to find the treatment method that will lead to the fastest, most effective solution for their infestation. Contact us today to request a free quote.

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